Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Annoyances ...


I have had writers block or maybe I have just been in a funk so I haven't posted on my blog lately. So what better way to break my silence then to bitch about what annoys me. So here we go ...

1. Stay at Home Moms - Since when should you receive a medal for raising your children? This is a question I ask myself A LOT thanks in part to Facebook. Guess what ladies ... You don't have to be a SAHM, you can go get a job just like the rest of us. Daycares will gladly take your money and educate your children. After all you are posting complaint after complaint on social media about not having time for yourself, awful car pools, and how your kids are driving you nuts. Now bitches take a second and realize that someone that came so easily to you, takes years of trying and medical intervention for others to receive. If they even have the opportunity that you were blessed with. So SHUT UP and just be a mom.

2. Liars - Just be truthful. If you don't want to do something or go somewhere ... Just say NO! Why lie? Make up excuses? Do you think people will not find out? Guess what we do and we STOP inviting you places.

3. Drama Seekers - Yes I know I am one of these people that enjoys a little drama. But the people I am talking about post things on Facebook and wait for others to comment just so they can get mad. Why? Are you bored? If you post something in a public forum, then it is open for others to have an opinion. If you don't like that opinion ... well too bad. I have an example, but due to privacy I will refrain from sharing publicly.

4. Co-workers - I will leave it at that.

5. People who question why I do not like cheese - It is gross. Case closed. Yes I understand pizza and cheeseburgers have cheese on them. I like those. Case closed. If you ask if I like cheese, the answer is no. If you offered me a slice of cheese pizza, I would probably eat it. Weird? Maybe. Do I care? No, not at all.

Let's just stop there. What are your annoyances? Do we share any of the same?

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