Thursday, May 23, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up ...


This was the busiest weekend I have had in a long time!

Saturday -
I visited with my friend Maggie, her husband, daughters L and V. V is the newest addition to their family. And absolutely adorable. L is so smart, funny and a great big sister. I can't wait to visit again. :)

Jess and I went to the Cardinals game. Unfortunately, we lost 6-4 to the Brewers in the 10th inning. But it was fun hanging out with Jess.
View from our seats. 

After the game, we went to a local pizza place for a friend of a friend's birthday. Here are a few pictures.
 Tony had a front row seat for the fight that broke out amongst some drunk girls.
 My beer is bigger than Tony's tiny beer. 
 Malibu and Diet anyone? 
I do not remember what was so funny, but I couldn't stop laughing. 

Sunday - 
My niece M turned SIX! I can't believe she is six years old already. M had a great day swimming and flying kites with her brother N. Someone needs to teach my brother how to grill though. Burnt hot dogs are nasty! 
 I normally would only post pictures of my nieces and nephews in masks for safety reasons. 
However, this picture is of 6 month old M. She doesn't look like this anymore. 
I forgot to bring masks, so unfortunately I will not post any of the party pictures other than the table scape. Do you think she likes princesses?!

I hope your weekend was as fun as mine!